Scratch Building a Warehouse

There was an odd shaped space on the layout that we had not decided what to do with so I scratch built this warehouse using evergreen styrene strips and sheets. Once we figured out the basic shape we looked at the function the structure would serve. We decided that a warehouse made sense for this area but, as of now, have not decided the specific materials the warehouse handles. The Railroad will be servicing the facility from the back side supplying boxcars for unloading. We have saved space at the end of the building to serve as a parking lot or trailer storage.while actual tractor trailer loading would be on the side of the warehouse not modeled.
Because the building is against the backdrop and will have to almost never be moved, I decided to do a very minimal amount of framing, with full sheets of styrene for the walls. For the preformed concrete style of construction, I cut 15' x 15' scale squares of styrene sheet and started adding them to the initial layer of styrene that was added to the wall. After adding the concrete blocks and trim it was ready for sheet styrene for the roof and then get to a paint booth.
This is the new warehouse with some flats in the background to help fill in the scene. The track in the front of the scene will serve a lumber distributor and another industry yet to be named.
The warehouse will eventually have a billboard on the top of it similar to the one that is currently holding its place. Also the building needs finished of with roof details, but am having a rough time finding a good source of roof details in N-Scale.